Dr Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas


I am a behavioural ecologist, interested in various aspects of animal behaviour (parental care, mate choice, foraging efficiency, communication, personality, behavioural response to environmental changes).

Although I do my best to diversify model species I work with, the most of my research is based on the Little auk – a small Arctic seabird. This is because this guy is a perfect model species for examining parental coordination that I am now mostly focused on. The awesome breeding system of the Little auk allows me and my research group! (without all these great people it would be really hard to work on that, if only possible) not only to explore how birds coordinate they parental activities, but also how breeding partners communicate with each other and the offspring to achieve that coordination, and how all that is linked with parents’ personality.

Besides, Little auk is a true sentinel of ongoing climate changes, so examining in that context birds phenology and behaviour, both on land and on the sea  is like doing ECG on an Arctic heart, and that is another important part of my (and my research group!) research. Also, examining little auk wintering strategies (with Seatrack), and the level of contamination (with Arctox) allows to monitor the shape of the whole Arctic ecosystem.

Apart from all that, I do some other stuff, to find it out, please see my website.